张国才,游 泳,沈 洋,邢秀文,谢小荣.脉冲超声换能器声场测试系统的设计*[J].,2020,39(6):876-884
Design of sound field testing system of pulsed ultrasonic transducer
投稿时间:2020-03-18  修订日期:2020-10-30
      Pulse ultrasonic transducer is the key component of ultrasonic detection. In order to obtain its acoustic field characteristic parameters, the sound field measurement system is designed based on the principle of small ball reflection method and the technology of virtual instrument and single chip microcomputer. The program-controlled interactive interface of the system is designed with the graphical programming software LabVIEW developed by the National instrument Company of the United States. In the program-controlled interactive interface program, the data communication and the function of the card are set up by calling the dynamic link library (DLL). At the same time, the host computer of the system communicates with the MCU through the RS232 serial port. Realize the three-axis scanning platform of a variety of scanning mode control. The system can display the image of the acoustic pressure distribution of the pulse transducer in real time and measure the parameters of the transducer such as the near field length and the diffusion angle by the sound pressure distribution data.
中文关键词: 脉冲超声换能器  声场特性  小球反射法  LabVIEW  单片机
英文关键词: Pulsed ultrasonic transducer  Sound field characteristics  Sphere reflection method  LabVIEW  MCU
张国才* 北京理工大学珠海学院 zhang_gc0810@163.com 
游 泳 北京理工大学珠海学院 12057@bitzh.edu.cn 
沈 洋 北京理工大学珠海学院 12221@bitzh.edu.cn 
邢秀文 北京理工大学珠海学院 12009@bitzh.edu.cn 
谢小荣 北京理工大学珠海学院 17047@@bitzh.edu.cn 
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