寿文德,周刚,夏荣民,钱德初,黄小唯,邹桂根,毕浩然.SJTU-1型医用超声诊断设备声输出测量系统的研制[J].,2004,23(2):1-6 |
SJTU-1型医用超声诊断设备声输出测量系统的研制 |
Development of SJTU-1 acoustic output measurement system for the ultrasonic medical diagnostic equipment |
中文摘要: |
本文系统地研究了医用超声诊断设备声输出公布要求的国家标准GB 16846-1997(idt.IEC61157-1992)中规定的主要指标的定义和测量方法,给出了相关的计算公式。介绍了为实施国标而研制的专用测量设备SJTU-1型医用超声设备声输出测量系统的工作原理、系统构成和技术性能。 |
英文摘要: |
The definition and measuring method of the acoustic output parameters required in the National Standard GB 16846-1997 (idt.IEC 61157-1992) are studied and the nelevant formula given. To implement the standard, SJTU-1 model acoustic output measurement system for medical ultrasonic equipment is developed and its operation priciple, construction, and technical performance are described. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2004.02.001 |
中文关键词: 医用超声设备 声输出 测量系统 |
英文关键词: Medical ultrasonic equipment Acoustic output Measurement system |
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