何心怡,蒋兴舟,张春华.基于几何相移模型的双线列阵左右舷分辨技术研究[J].,2004,23(2):38-44 |
基于几何相移模型的双线列阵左右舷分辨技术研究 |
A port/starboard discrimination technology by twin-line arrays based on the model of geometric phase shifting |
中文摘要: |
针对双线列阵克服左右舷模糊问题,将双线列阵认为是由两两阵元为一组的偶极子构成的单线列阵,利用几何相移模型对目标进行左右舷分辨,经过理论分析、仿真实验和湖试实验,指出了几何相移模型不仅能解决单频情况下的左右舷模糊问题,而且还能解决信号带宽不太宽情况下(究竟能到多大相对带宽,取决于所设定的左右舷分辨增益门限)的左右舷模糊问题。该方法经湖试实验得到了很好的验证:在信噪比为5dB时,采用该方法处理时,左右舷分辨差超过7dB。在本文设定的高信噪比条件下,证明了几何相移模型的双线列阵左右舷分辨技术是有效的、可行的。 |
英文摘要: |
To overcome the twin-line arrays port/starboard blur problem, the twin-line array can be treated as the single-line array consisting of many dipoles, each of which is composed of two hydrophones. Using the model of geometric phase shifting to distinguish the port/starboard of the target, theoretical analysis, simulations and lake experiment indicate that the model of geometric phase shifting not only can solve the problem of port/starboard blur problem under the condition of single frequency, but also can solve the port/starboard blur problem when frequency bandwidth is limited (the value of the bandwidth depends on the gain threshold we set for the port/starboard discrimination). This method is proved by lake experiment: when the SNR is 5dB, the port/starboard discrimination difference value on using this technology is over 7dB. So the twin-line arrays port/starboard discrimination technology based on the model of geometric phase shifting is shown to be effective and practical under conditions of high SNR. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2004.02.010 |
中文关键词: 双线阵 几何相移模型 单频 宽带 |
英文关键词: Twin-line arrays The model of geometric phase shifting Single frequency Wide band |
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