Finite difference method for natural frequency of piezoelectric ceramic composite transducer1
投稿时间:2020-03-20  修订日期:2020-10-31
      In order to enrich the research theory of the natural frequency of transducer and provide a new calculation method for engineers to choose, a finite difference method is proposed to calculate the natural frequency of transducer. In this paper, a two-dimensional piezoelectric ceramic composite transducer, which is composed of a radially polarized piezoelectric ceramic circular tube and a metal prestressed tube, is taken as an example. The mathematical model and its finite difference form of the directional vibration of the transducer are established and derived. The characteristic equation of the radial vibration of the transducer is given. Mtalab is used to program the natural frequency of the radial vibration of the calculation example. The theoretical calculation results are in good agreement with the existing experimental results. The feasibility and accuracy of the finite difference method to calculate the natural frequency of piezoelectric ceramic composite transducer are verified. The relationship between the natural frequency of the radial vibration of the transducer and its structure size is given through the simulation calculation. The natural frequency of the radial vibration of the transducer decreases with the increase of the inner diameter of the piezoelectric ceramic tube, and decreases with the increase of the wall thickness ratio of the transducer. The finite difference method for the natural frequency of radial vibration of transducers established in this paper is also applicable to transducers and other components with similar structure.
中文关键词: 压电陶瓷  换能器  固有频率  有限差分法
英文关键词: Piezoelectric Ceramics  Transducers  Natural frequency  Finite difference method
张超* 燕山大学机械工程学院 18848973272@163.com 
姚春东 燕山大学机械工程学院 ycd04@163.com 
具自强 燕山大学机械工程学院 544214469@qq.com 
贾贺通 燕山大学机械工程学院 635684508@qq.com 
董子龙 燕山大学机械工程学院 593213857@qq.com 
武勇 燕山大学机械工程学院 1151046985@qq.com 
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