The influence parameters of aerodynamic noise of wind turbine blades
投稿时间:2020-03-21  修订日期:2020-10-31
      With the size of wind turbine getting larger, the impact of wind turbines on the environment cannot be ig-nored. Therefore, the prediction and control of wind turbine aerodynamic noise should be conducted. A tur-bine blade with NACA and DU series airfoils was selected as the research baseline. The modified BPM semi-empirical model was used to calculate aerodynamic noise characteristics of blades. The influence of blade shape parameters and turbine operating conditions on aerodynamic noise of horizontal wind turbine blades was studied, through modifying the factors such as airfoil series, chord, wind turbine operating states, wind shear index, inflow direction, etc. Simulation results showed disciplines of varying of the aerodynamic noise from different aspects, which provides a reference for the development of high efficiency and low noise wind turbine blades.
中文关键词: 风力机叶片  气动噪声  叶片几何参数  整机参数  来流参数
英文关键词: wind turbine blade  aerodynamic noise  blade geometric parameters  wind turbine parameters  inflow parameters
基金项目:四川省科技厅重点研发项目 (2019YFG0018);国家自然科学基金(11672261);国家自然科学基金(51905469)
曾明伍 东方电气风电有限公司 zengmingwu@dongfang.com 
朱卫军 扬州大学 wjzhu@yzu.edu.cn 
孙振业* 扬州大学 zhenye_sun@163.com 
郑大周 东方电气风电有限公司 zhengdazhou@dongfang.com 
李松林 东方电气风电有限公司 lisonglin@dongfang.com 
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