Structure optimization and acoustic performance of intake pipe in a light truck
投稿时间:2020-03-24  修订日期:2020-11-02
      为有效降低轻卡进气管的噪声,首先通过原始进气管的噪声实验,测试得出噪声的主要贡献频率,结合管道的布置情况,进行了消声器(谐振腔)的设计,进而完成对进气管的优化设计;通过专业声学分析软件LMS Virtual.lab对优化前后的进气管进行声学性能的模拟研究,得出了谐振腔对声场的具体影响;通过噪声实验,分析出加装谐振腔的进气管相比于原始进气管的降噪效果。研究结果表明:在所研究的进气管噪声的主要贡献频率下(即125 Hz、180 Hz、465 Hz、640 Hz),加装谐振腔后,传递损失均能得到有效增加;在怠速工况和加速工况下,优化后的进气管噪声值均能满足限定值。因此,通过添加谐振腔来优化进气管可以达到了较好的降噪效果。该研究可为汽车进气管降噪元件的优化设计提供一定的指导。
      To effectively reduce the noise of inlet pipe in a light truck, the noise experiment of original intake pipe was carried out to obtain the noise contribution frequency. According to the layout of the pipeline and the noise contribution frequency, the muffler (i.e. resonator) was designed, and then, the acoustic performance of the original and optimized intake pipes was simulated by the LMS Virtual. Lab acoustic analysis software. The influence of the resonator on the sound field was analyzed with the simulation results. The noise reduction effect of the optimized intake pipe was tested and obtained by experiment. The results indicate that: comparing to the original intake pipe, the transmission losses of optimized intake pipe respectively increase 19.79 dB, 22.91 dB, 18.06 dB, and 43.62 dB with the frequencies of 125 Hz, 180 Hz, 465 Hz, and 640 Hz. The noise value of the optimized intake pipe is less than the specified value under the conditions of idle and acceleration. Therefore, adding a resonator can achieve a better effect of noise reduction, which can provide a practical significance for the design of the muffler element of the intake pipe.
中文关键词: 引气管  声学性能  优化  降噪
英文关键词: intake pipe  acoustic performance   optimization  noise reduction
王栋* 华菱星马汽车集团股份有限公司 wangdong224545@163.com 
张清奎 华菱星马汽车集团股份有限公司 sophi55@126.com 
魏舒婷 安徽工业大学建筑工程学院 695743175@qq.com 
董伟 安徽工业大学建筑工程学院 121080899@qq.com 
汪祥支 华菱星马汽车集团股份有限公司 wxzcamc@163.com 
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