宋新见,惠俊英,殷冬梅,李艳梅.水下噪声目标被动测距技术研究[J].,2005,24(3):133-139 |
水下噪声目标被动测距技术研究 |
Research on underwater noise target passive ranging technology |
中文摘要: |
运用被动测距声纳中的三元测距技术,通过直接测1、3阵元的时延差来实现时延估计。仿真结果表明,改进的时延估计方法可提高时延估计精度,从而改善测距精度。此外,定义临界距离,并以此为分界点,分别采用K系数分配法和直接测量法对中远程和近程目标进行测距,解决了被动声纳的近程测距模糊问题。将其应用于声纳系统中,可显著提高声纳的被动测距能力,使被动测距声纳可全程测距。 |
英文摘要: |
Based on the three array-elements ranging technology of passive ranging sonar, the time delay estimation of element No.1 and 3 can be obtained by way of direct measurement. Results of simulation demonstrate that the proposed method can improve the precision of time delay estimation, and thereby improve the precision of ranging. The difficult problem of close range ambiguity in passive sonar is overcome by defining a critical distance and by measuring targets distance using two methods, the direct measurement and a K-distribution. As a result, the ability of passive sonar ranging can be improved and whole course ranging can be realized. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2005.03.001 |
中文关键词: 被动测距 广义相关 时延估计 测距模糊 |
英文关键词: Passive ranging Generalized correlation Time delay estimation Ranging ambiguity |
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