潘秀琴,张春华,黄海宁,张洪.舰船辐射噪声超混沌现象研究[J].,2005,24(4):227-232 |
舰船辐射噪声超混沌现象研究 |
Hyperchaos in behavior of ship radiated noise |
中文摘要: |
水下弱目标探测和识别一直是水声信号处理领域中研究的难点。从Lyapunov指数谱、吸引子相空间轨迹的演化、分形维数等方面,对船舶辐射噪声是否存在超混沌现象进行了研究。实验结果表明,船舶辐射噪声信号确实存在至少两个正的Lyapunov指数,即存在超混沌现象。辐射噪声吸引子在相空间中的轨迹具有多方向伸展的趋势,且不同类型目标的吸引子具有不同的分形维数。研究结果为建立精确描述辐射噪声信号的非线性模型、为水下弱目标信号探测和识别提供一定的理论依据。 |
英文摘要: |
Detection and recognition of weak signal are difficult problems in underwater acoustics processing. To determine whether hyperchaotic behavior exists in the ship noise, by estimating the Lyapunov exponent spectrum, analyzing the phase space portrait, and computing the fractal dimension, is focused in this paper. Our results illustrate that two Lyapunov exponents actually exist in the Lyapunov exponent spectrum of the noise, and thus the noise could be characterized by hyperchaos. At the same time, it is shown that the noise attractor exhibit trend of stretching specialty at multi-direction is haven by, and also the noise from different type of object possesses different fractal dimension indicates. The results given in this paper, could provide novel theoretical foundation for the nonlinear character description of the ship noise, as well as for the latter detection and recognition. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2005.04.005 |
中文关键词: 超混沌 李亚谱诺夫指数谱 相空间轨迹 分形维数 |
英文关键词: Hyperchaos Lyapunov exponent spectrum Space tracking Fractal dimension |
基金项目:国防预研基金资助项目 |
摘要点击次数: 2469 |
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