Identification of the acoustic evalution system’s characteristics for cased hole based on the Bicepstrum
      The transmit transducer (T), receive transducer (R) and the medium between TR are the component parts of the acoustic evaluation system for a cased hole. The characteristic curve (impulse response curve) of the acoustic evaluation system can be calculated using the acoustic logging response based on the Bicepstrum. The amplitude of the characteristic curve is maximal and the central part of characteristic curve is fluctuant when the T and R transducer are all in the free region of the casing; the amplitude of the characteristic curve is minimal and the curve is flat when the T and R transducer are all in the bonded area; the amplitude of the characteristic curve increases, especially in the central part, with increasing area of the un-bonded region between the T-R transducers. The cement bond quality can thus be seen directly on the waterfall figure of the characteristic curve. This method has reference value for the explanation of cement bond logging.
中文关键词: 倒双谱  声学系统  冲激响应  辨识  套管井
英文关键词: Bicepstrum  Acoustic system  Impulse response  Identification  Cased hole
闫向宏 石油大学应用物理系
山东东营 257061 
张亚萍 石油大学应用物理系
山东东营 257061 
乔文孝 石油大学资源与信息学院
北京 102200 
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