董永政,沈勇,沈小祥,周静雷.利用遗传算法由电阻抗计算四阶带通箱的低频响应[J].,2005,24(5):286-291 |
利用遗传算法由电阻抗计算四阶带通箱的低频响应 |
Computing the low-frequency response of a fourth-order band-pass loudspeaker system from the electrical impedance by using the genetic algorithm |
中文摘要: |
提出了一种基于电阻抗得到四阶带通扬声器系统低频频率响应的方法。该方法无需消声室,首先建立扬声器系统的电阻抗集中参数电路模型并测量得到电阻抗曲线,然后运用遗传算法优化模型中的元件参数值,使得由模型计算得到的阻抗曲线与测得的阻抗曲线相吻合,再根据模型计算得到低频响应曲线。测量结果表明理论曲线与实测曲线相吻合,说明基于电阻抗得到低频响应的方法是可行的和有效的。 |
英文摘要: |
In this article, based on the electrical impedance of the fourth-order bandpass loudspeaker system a method to obtain the frequency response at low frequencies without using an anechoic chamber is developed. First the electrical equivalent circuit of the loudspeaker system is presented. Then the genetic algorithm is used to optimize the equivalent circuit component values. When the simulated impedance using the optimized estimates is consistent with the measured impedance, the frequency response curve at low frequencies is gained from the electrical equivalent circuit. Comparison of the measured data and the simulated curve shows that the method is feasible. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2005.05.005 |
中文关键词: 电阻抗 低频响应 四阶带通 遗传算法 |
英文关键词: Electrical impedance Low-frequency response Fourth-order band-pass Genetic algorithm |
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