Preliminary study on sonochemical reaction mechanism in PEG6000 solutions
      The PEG6000 solution was treated by ultrasound with various electric powers. The molecular weights (MW) of the treated PEG were analyzed by GPC and it was found that the MW of PEG decreased with the intensity of ultrasound, but increased with the ultrasound irradiating time when the electric power of ultrasound exceeded 250W. For the function group composition of treated PEG as analyzed by FT-IR, the monomer which constitutes PEG had no evident change, but the OH concentration of solid treated PEG decreased when the electric power of ultrasound exceeded 250W. Based on these experiment results, mechanism of the chemical reaction in PEG6000 solution under radiation of ultrasonic wave was discussed by the application of the theories of polymer chemistry, organic chemistry and sonochemistry. It is believed that the polymerization reaction and the radical degradation reaction exists simultaneously in the PEG6000 solution under radiation of ultrasonic wave, but the former process dominates when the frequency of the radiating ultrasonic wave ranges from 20kHz to 25kHz and the electric power ranges from 250W to 600W.
中文关键词: 超声波  PEG6000  聚合  降解
英文关键词: Ultrasonic wave  PEG6000  Polymerization  Degradation
胡松青 华南理工大学轻工与食品学院 广州 510640 
李琳 华南理工大学轻工与食品学院 广州 510640 
陈玲 华南理工大学轻工与食品学院 广州 510640 
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