The hydrogen and oxygen isotope characteristic of droplet collision and deposition under the action of acoustic wave
投稿时间:2020-04-07  修订日期:2021-01-02
      There is material exchange between droplet and environmental water vapor in the process of droplet deposition, resulting in the change of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes. In this paper, it studied droplet characteristics of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes and isotopes exchange with environmental water vapor in the process of droplet colliding and settling under the action of low-frequency strong sound waves, through small-scale laboratory experiments, and the control equations of isotopes exchange is established. The results show that there is isotope exchange in the process of droplet deposition,this process is significantly influenced by sound wave. Compared with the natural deposition process, the acoustic wave enhanced the isotopes exchange between the droplet and the environment water vapor. The specific manifestations are: the droplet size increased, the molecular diffusion coefficient of the droplet increased, and the heavy isotopes in the accumulated water enriched under the action of acoustic wave. In addition, the hydrogen and oxygen isotopes exchange intensity under the influence of sound wave is positively correlated with the initial droplet size, and the significant level of the large droplets group can reach 0.05.
中文关键词: 液滴  声波  氢氧同位素  环境水汽  显著性水平
英文关键词: droplet  sound wave  hydrogen and oxygen isotope  environmental water vapor  significance level
柏文文 青海大学水利电力学院/三江源生态与高原农牧业国家重点实验室 西宁 877890515@qq.com 
魏加华* 青海大学水利电力学院/三江源生态与高原农牧业国家重点实验室 西宁 weijiahua@tsinghua.edu.cn 
李琼 青海大学 liqiong1118@126.com 
时洋 清华大学 thushiyang@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn 
倪三川 青海大学 nisch@qq.com 
雷发楷 清华大学 laifk17@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn 
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