Numerical simulation of scattering of Rayleigh wave by a surface-breaking crack
      Surface-breaking cracks can be detected by observing their interaction with surface acoustic waves generated by the pulsed laser. Taking into consideration the complicated boundary of the material with a surface crack, an optimized finite element model based on the plane strain is developed to simulate the scattered surface acoustic waves propagated on an Al plate with varied depth surface-breaking crack. From this we attained the characteristics of reflected and transmitted Rayleigh wave from the crack. Furthermore, we introduced Wigner-Ville theory to analysis the spectrogram of the two signals recorded on both sides of the surface crack. The results show that for the certain frequency component, the reflection coefficient becomes larger as the depth of the surface-breaking crack increased; while the transmission coefficient appears to be smaller. This establishes a quantitative basis for the application of laser ultrasonics in nondestructive evaluation of the material properties.
中文关键词: 激光激发  瑞利波  有限元法  Wigner-Ville分布
英文关键词: Laser generation  Rayleigh wave  Finite element method  Wigner-Ville distribution
关建飞 南京理工大学信息物理与工程系 南京 210094 
沈中华 南京理工大学信息物理与工程系 南京 210094 
许伯强 南京理工大学信息物理与工程系 南京 210094 
倪晓武 南京理工大学信息物理与工程系 南京 210094 
陆建 南京理工大学信息物理与工程系 南京 210094 
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