李胜全,滕惠忠,凌勇,刘雁春,严晓明.侧扫声纳图像实时增强技术[J].,2006,25(5):284-289 |
侧扫声纳图像实时增强技术 |
Real-time enhancing technique for sea-bottom sonar image |
中文摘要: |
本文从声纳原理和测量实践出发,针对海底图像实时判读问题,首次将负反馈分析理论引入海底图像处理,论述了海底声纳图像快速增强处理方法,探讨了数据采集实时性、图像处理复杂性、外业环境干扰强等矛盾的解决方法,实现了实时多色调海底声纳图像快速增强显示,首次提出侧扫声纳图像镶嵌必须考虑增益因素。实验结果表明:海底图像满足野外环境下的声纳作业要求,声纳数据符合目标信号、系统增益控制和目标判读三个层面的要求。 |
英文摘要: |
It is a problem to distinguish targets from real-time sea-bottom sonar image, which usually relies on the experienced operator’s ability, the character and speed being the most important matter for consideration. Based on sonar principles and surveying practice, this paper discusses a real-time processing method to enhance the sonar image, which introduces the feedback analysis method into sonar image processing. The paper discuss about the solution of the conflict, which between the demand of the refresh speed and complexity of image processing and outdoor affect to the visual impression. Multi-hue visualization for sonar image’s rapid enhance is mentioned in the paper. The paper proposes that the hard-ware gain is variable in each footmark which should be considered in sonar mosaic. Preliminary results are satisfactory. Image data give a good fit to sonar signal and gain control and target judgment. Target image could be distinguished clearly in out-door shining background. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2006.05.007 |
中文关键词: 侧扫声纳 海底声纳图像 图像增强 声纳图像镶嵌 增益调整 |
英文关键词: Side-scan sonar Sonar image Image enhancement Sonar Mosaic Gain control |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(40071070) |
摘要点击次数: 2513 |
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