Resolution of a vibro-acoustography system
      The effect of parameters of a typical confocal transducer, which is made from dividing a concave focusing transducer into two concentric parts, on the transverse and axial resolutions of a vibro-acoustography system is studied theoretically by introducing the point spread function (PSF) and defining the axial response function (ARF) based on the basic principle of vibro-acoustography. The computation analysis indicates that increasing the aperture of the concave focusing transducer, decreasing it’s geometric focal length or raising it’s central working frequency can improve the transverse and axial resolutions of the system simultaneously, but changing the dividing proportion of the transducer affects the two kinds of resolution differently. On compromisingly considering several factors including the exciting mode, the focusing ability and the radiation force effect, the concave focusing transducer should be divided into two equal-area parts. The effect of the acoustic attenuation coefficient of the media on the actual axial resolution have also been discussed.
中文关键词: 振动声成像  两种分辨率  点扩展函数  轴向响应函数
英文关键词: Vibro-acoustography  Resolutions  Point spread function (PSF)  Axial response function (ARF)
何培忠 徐州师范大学物理系
徐州 221116 
夏荣民 上海交通大学生物医学工程系
上海 200030 
段世梅 上海交通大学生物医学工程系
上海 200030 
寿文德 上海交通大学生物医学工程系
上海 200030 
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