Blind equalization for underwater acoustic communication by genetic algorithm optimizing neural network
      Blind equalization without training sequence is a bandwidth efficient way to mitigate the intersymbol interference in the field of underwater acoustic communication. Using FNN (Forward Feedback Neural Network) as blind equalizer can solve the equalization problems for minimum phase and non-minimum phase including non-linear channel. However, training of FNN is commonly based on BP algorithm, and thus suffers from slow convergence, local minimum point and excessive learning. In this paper, genetic algorithm optimizing neural network (GA-BP) is proposed as a new blind equalization method. Because of optimizing the topology of FNN and the weights of network simultaneously, the new algorithm overcomes the default of traditional FNN blind equalization and enhances the ability of tracing the time-varying channel and adapts to channel mutation. Results from experimentation in a channel pool indicate that using the algorithm proposed in this paper provides effectiveness. Compared with FNN, the performance of equalization is improved obviously.
中文关键词: 神经网络  遗传算法  盲均衡
英文关键词: Neural network  Genetic algorithms  Blind equalization
肖瑛 大连民族学院 大连 116600 
刘国枝 哈尔滨工程大学 哈尔滨 150001 
李振兴 哈尔滨工程大学 哈尔滨 150001 
董玉华 大连民族学院 大连 116600 
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