Duct wall transmission loss test method of three channels
投稿时间:2020-04-29  修订日期:2020-12-25
      Multi-channel duct wall transmission loss test method is researched. Vehicle twin turbo engine multi-channels duct sound property is tested including plastics duct and aluminum duct. Duct wall natural sound property judgement uses transmission loss, two sound sources are used in the turbo engine ducts two inlet pipes and two different reflection terminal condition are used in the outlet pipe; each pipe uses two pressure microphones to get inject and reflect wave based on plane wave, ten free field microphones are ranged as hemisphere sound power test position outside the duct, three times tests with different duct sound source or terminal are done to calculate the transmission loss. Transmission less shows the natural property of duct wall and clearly identify the difference between plastics and metal duct on frequency domain. Near field acoustical holography and beamforming are used to find the sound source of engine duct, plastics duct major noise comes from welding area for entrant sound in high frequency range and duct structure sound radiation in low frequency range.
中文关键词: 多通管道  多模态  传递损失  近场声全息  波束形成  
英文关键词: multi-channels duct  multi-modal  transmission loss  near field acoustics holography  beamforming  
孙中政* 杜邦中国研发管理有限公司 564648131@qq.com 
雷坤 杜邦中国研发管理有限公司 Kun.lei@dupont.com 
王宇飞 杜邦中国研发管理有限公司 DeepYufei.wang@dupont.com 
韩旭 杜邦中国研发管理有限公司  
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