管善群.电声学科的跨越特点和应用进展[J].,2007,26(1):1-7 |
电声学科的跨越特点和应用进展 |
The characteristics of electro-acoustics of crossing branches of learning and its progress in applications |
中文摘要: |
本文综述了电声学科由于具有跨越科学与艺术两大领域和跨越多种学科的性质所带来的研究和应用特点,提出了几项近些年值得重视的应用领域和可能发展趋势,希望引起同仁讨论。鉴于我国在其中有些方面有突出成绩,本文将特别加以介绍,也希望得到大家的关心。本文还有一个附带的期望:促进非电声学科的声学工作者了解和关心电声学科的核心。 |
英文摘要: |
This paper first clarifies the special features in research and application of electro-acoustics,arising from its nature of crossing the two large areas of science and art as well as crossing the various branches of learning.The paper then presents several topics in the application region which are worthy of concern in the recent few years and which may develop into trends,especially those which has obtained achievements in this country,in the hope of attracting concern from our colleagues.This paper furthermore hopes to spread the knowledge of electro-acoustics to fellow workers in other branches of acoustics. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2007.01.001 |
中文关键词: 电声 头相关传输函数 虚拟声 乐器数字接口 回声抵消 音乐技术 |
英文关键词: Electro-acoustic Head-Related Transfer Function(HRTF) Virtual sound Music Instrument Digital Interface(MIDI) Acoustic Echo Cancellation(AEC) Music technology |
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