沈怡平,侯朝焕,马晓川.一种面向声纳群目标检测应用的盲波束形成改进算法[J].,2007,26(1):16-22 |
一种面向声纳群目标检测应用的盲波束形成改进算法 |
An improved blind beamforming algorithm for object detection of sonar group |
中文摘要: |
随着水下自主航行器(UUV)及其声纳检测系统的智能化水平的提高,多UUV协同工作成为重要的研究方向,阵列信号处理中的盲波束形成理论可用于处理该类问题。Coviello提出了一种便于实时应用的盲波束形成算法,但其算法适用面窄,本文通过阵元对理论对其算法加以改进,以适应UUV间的位置误差,从而改善UUV群对目标方位的被动估计能力。仿真实验显示,改进算法在保持Coviello算法良好性能的前提下具有更广阔的适用性。 |
英文摘要: |
With the intelligentizing of the unmanned undersea vehicles (UUV) and its sonar detecting system,coordination of multi-UUV becomes an important research di- rection.Blind beamforming theory of array signal processing can solve such problem. Coviello proposed a realtime blind beamforming algorithm,but his algorithm has limita- tion in application.This paper improves Coviello’s algorithm by the doublet theory to fit location error between UUV.So object location can be estimated more precisely.Com- puter simulations show that the improved algorithm has the same capability as Coviello’s while it can be used in widen area. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2007.01.004 |
中文关键词: 水下自主航行器 盲波束形成 阵元对 奇异值分解 |
英文关键词: UUV Blind beamforming Doublet SVD |
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