陈钢,赵国忠,顾元宪.小阻尼封闭空间声压级灵敏度分析与优化设计[J].,2007,26(3):151-158 |
小阻尼封闭空间声压级灵敏度分析与优化设计 |
Sensitivity analysis and design optimization of sound pressure level (SPL) for lightly damped rooms |
中文摘要: |
本文研究了小阻尼界面封闭空间低频声学有限元分析、灵敏度分析和优化设计问题。分别用模态法和直接法计算了封闭空间内声压级响应,并推导了声压级响应对声空间边界形状控制参数的灵敏度分析公式,在此基础上建立了小阻尼空间声学问题的优化模型,同时给出了优化求解算法,并在JIFEX软件中进行了程序实现。本文提出的灵敏度分析和优化设计方法可以使声场的边界布局更为合理,从而达到改进小阻尼界面封闭空间声学性能的目的。数值算例验证了本文提出的灵敏度分析和优化算法的有效性。 |
英文摘要: |
This paper concerns the sensitivity analysis and design optimization of the lowfrequency acoustic problems for lightly damped rooms by the use of the numerical methods of finite element analysis. Two methods, the modal method and the direct method, are presented for calculating the sound pressure level and its sensitivity for shape design variables of the systems, and the design optimization model and method being discussed in detail. The numerical methods have been implemented by the large- scale engineering finite element analysis and the optimization software system--JIFEX. It is shown that the sensitivity calculation and the design optimization method developed in this paper successfully changes the boundary shape to improve the acoustical charac- teristic of the model. As examples, a three-dimensional rectangular room is modeled, and a 3D-Car model is analyzed. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of our program. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2007.03.004 |
中文关键词: 小阻尼空间 声压级 灵敏度分析 优化 |
英文关键词: Lightly damped rooms Sound pressure level Sensitivity analysis Optimization |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(10421002,10302006);NSFC-ARC资助项目 |
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