季晓明,孟晓宏,金涛.润滑油对压缩机壳体噪声辐射影响的数值分析[J].,2007,26(4):213-217 |
润滑油对压缩机壳体噪声辐射影响的数值分析 |
Numerical analysis of the influence of lubrication oil on noise radiation of compressor shell |
中文摘要: |
考虑了润滑油的存在对冰箱压缩机壳体噪声辐射的影响,运用流固耦合有限元方法,计算了不同润滑油量下壳体的耦合模态,以及壳体在单点激励下的远场辐射.数值分析结果发现:润滑油的存在对壳体的第5阶和第10阶固有频率影响比较大,随着油面高度的增加,第5阶和第10阶固有频率呈下降趋势;润滑油对壳体噪声辐射影响的主要频率范围在1000Hz~2000Hz,并且在此频率范围内,随着油面高度的升高,峰值频率向高频移动并且峰值逐渐增大.最后通过实验初步验证了该结论的正确性,为冰箱压缩机的设计提供了参考依据。 |
英文摘要: |
Finite element method(FEM)was applied to simulate the sound radiation of compressor’s shell based on fluid structural interaction(FSI),by which the distribution of pressure could be calculated considering the influence of lubrication oil sound radiation of shell.The structural modal of shell was calculated with different volumes of oil,and far-field was calculated under unit motivation.According to the analysis,the 5th and 10th natural frequencies moved to low frequencies region with increasing the volume of lubrication oil.The major influence of lubrication oil to noise radiation of compressor shell was located between 1000Hz and 2000Hz.Peak value of sound radiation aggrandized as the volume of oil grows in the frequency domain,and the corresponding frequency also moved to high frequencies region.Finally,this conclusion was roughly confirmed by ex- periment,which could provide reference for design of refrigerator compressor. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2007.04.005 |
中文关键词: 流固耦合 压缩机壳体 噪声辐射 数值分析 润滑油 |
英文关键词: Fluid structure interface(FSI) Compressor shell Noise radiation Numerical analysis Lubrication oil |
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