凌旭,黄守辉,肖 芝,刘 敏.汽车涡轮增压器同步谐波噪声仿真与优化*[J].,2021,40(2):220-226
Simulation Optimization Of Synchronous Harmonic noise in Automobile Turbocharger
投稿时间:2020-05-11  修订日期:2021-02-28
      针对增压发动机急加速急减速时产生的增压器同步谐波噪声问题。首先,分析该噪声的特征与传播路径;其次,建立流场仿真模型。利用SST(Shear Stress Transport)湍流模型与DES(Detached Eddy Simulation)湍流模型对增压器进行稳态与非稳态瞬态流场分析,提取非稳态流场的叶轮与压气机流道表面的偶极子声源;最后,建立噪声传播模型,计算该增压器压气机的进气口声场分布。通过理论分析与试验相结合的方法,优化叶轮轮缘与压气机壳体的配合型线,将该增压器噪声的阶次峰值最大降低约15.3dB(A),消除了同步谐波噪声,且对发动机性能几乎无影响。该噪声的解决方法可以为压气机气动噪声优化提供有价值的参考。
      To solve the Turbocharger synchronous harmonic noise which occurs during the engine speeds up and down fast. Firstly, analyzed the characteristic and propagate path on this noise. Secondly, the flow field simulation model is established. SST(Shear Stress Transport) turbulence model and DES(Detached Eddy Simulation) turbulence model are used to analyze the steady and unsteady transient flow field of the turbocharger, and the dipole sound source of the impeller and the compressor channel surface of the unsteady flow field is extracted; Finally, a noise propagation model is established to calculate the distribution of the inlet sound field. With the theoretical analysis and experimental method, successfully solved the noise problem by modifying the compressor wheel’s shroud curve as well as the compressor housing. And decreases 15.3 dB (A) on the peak of this noise’ order character, and nearly has no effect on engine performance. The process and modified method on this noise could offer some good values to modify the aero dynamic noise in turbine machinery field.
中文关键词: 内燃机  涡轮增压  气动噪声仿真  谐波噪声  声类比  
英文关键词: combustion engine  turbocharger  aero dynamic noise simulation  harmonic noise  acoustic analogy
凌旭* 湖南化工职业技术学院 247080185@qq.com 
黄守辉 吉利汽车研究总院 15096022558@163.com 
肖 芝 湖南化工职业技术学院 247080185@qq.com 
刘 敏 拾音汽车科技有限公司 15096022558@163.com 
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