Simulation of short-distance-through-signature considering multi-radiation sources of a ship
      Owing to the fact that the radiated noises of the three special sections of a ship (tail,middle-back,middle) present noticeably different features of power spectrum, it will be advantageous is significant to make use of them.In the present research, the simplified"three highlights"model for the ship-radiated noise at short distance is adopted to approach the continuous spectrum in these special sections.The convolution algorithm using a sliding time-window is used to regenerate the noise sequence of a special radiated source,the noise sequence has both specified amplitude probability distribution and desired power spectrum feature.Based on the reconstruction of the time-domain signals of the different radiated noise sources,the through signature and the addition effect of the three noise sources at differ positions has been simulated.The results of simulation of the noise process are close to the actual testing data for a certain ship, both exhibiting the similar spectrum features.
中文关键词: 噪声过程的模拟  时间滑动卷积  多源噪声模拟  通过特性
英文关键词: Simulation of noise process  Convolution algorithm using a sliding time-window  Simulation of multi-source noise  Through signature
罗建 西北工业大学,西安,710072 
湛雅倩 西北工业大学,西安,710072 
马定坤 西北工业大学,西安,710072 
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