滕鹏晓,杨亦春,李晓东,田静.基于多阵列数据融合的宽带多声源定位研究[J].,2008,27(3):167-172 |
基于多阵列数据融合的宽带多声源定位研究 |
Localization of multiple wide-band acoustic sources based on data fusion of multiple arrays |
中文摘要: |
研究多个传声器阵列数据融合和宽带多声源近场定位算法。该算法首先融合多个传声器阵列数据,然后对多声源进行定位。由于充分利用多个阵列的数据,降低了分辨门限,提高了定位的精度和稳健性。通过仿真计算,证明了算法的有效性。 |
英文摘要: |
An algorithm of localization for multiple wideband sources by the use of data fusion of the multiple arrays is investigated in this paper.The covariance matri- ces of the multiple arrays are coherently fused into one of a reference array,and then locations of multiple sources are estimated.Multiple arrays are utilized to re- duce the resolution threshold and error,and improve the localization accuracy and robustness.Simulations are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the pro- posed algorithm. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2008.03.002 |
中文关键词: 多阵列 数据融合 宽带 多源定位 |
英文关键词: Multiple arrays Data fusion Wideband Multiple sources localization |
基金项目:自然科学基金面上基金资助(10674151);自然科学基金委主任基金资助(60654002)项目 |
摘要点击次数: 2554 |
全文下载次数: 811 |
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