阎振华,黄建国.OFDM水声通信实时处理系统的多处理器并行[J].,2008,27(4):278-282 |
OFDM水声通信实时处理系统的多处理器并行 |
Parallel processing of the multiple processors in real-time processing system of OFDM for underwater acoustic communication |
中文摘要: |
OFDM(正交频分复用)充分利用频带,具有较高的数据传输速率;ADSP-TS101是具有高速并行处理能力的高性能数学信号处理芯片。针对OFDM水声通信的实时处理要求,本文设计并研制了具有实时处理能力的水声通信系统。该系统包括由多片ADSP-TS101构成的松/紧联合耦合的并行处理结构作为处理核心、无相位偏差的多通道同步采样模块和FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)逻辑控制模块。湖上实验结果表明该系统具有良好的稳定性和实时处理能力,满足工程设计要求。 |
英文摘要: |
OFDM can fully use the frequency band and transmit data with a high speed. ADSP-TS101 is a high performance DSP with good properties of parallel processing and high-speed.Aiming at the real-time processing requirement of OFDM acoustic communica- tion,an underwater acoustic communication system with rea-time processing capability was implemented.The system is composed of multiple ADSP-TS101s,multi-channel synchro- nous sampling module and FPGA for logic control.The multiple processors accomplish cluster/data flow associated multiprocessing parallel processing structure as the operation kernel and the multi-channel synchronous sample module is designed to realize no phase warp among multiple channels’data at the same time.Through experiments in a lake,it is show that the system has good stability and real-time processing capability,such that the system satisfies the technical requirement. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2008.04.008 |
中文关键词: OFDM 多处理器 并行处理结构 FPGA 实时处理 |
英文关键词: OFDM Multiple processors Parallel processing structure FPGA Realtime processing |
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