An experimental investigation of sound absorption characteristics of a perforated plate muffler for different configuration parameters under excitation of broad-band noise of various sound intensity
      With high sound pressure level excitation,the sound absorption characteristics of perforated plate muffler will change,due to the exciting nonlinearity,while the amount of sound absorption has a close relation to the perforated plate construction parameters(porosi- ty,diameter of hole,thickness of the perforated plate).In this paper,an experimental plat- form is established to study the effects of different construction parameters upon the sound absorption characteristics of perforated plate muffler.According to the experimental results, along with increase of the sound pressure level,nonlinearity of the perforated plate structure grows in intensity and its acoustic impedance changes.It decreases the value of absorption peak,while widens the absorption band.For a perforated plate muffler,if the porosity is not changed,the smaller the hole diameter,the more suitable for the lower sound pressure environment;if the hole diameter is not changed,the smaller the porosity,again the more suitable for the lower sound pressure environment.
中文关键词: 穿孔板  消声器  非线性  传递损失
英文关键词: Perforated plate  Muffler  Nonlinearity  Transmission loss
张国军 中北大学仪器科学与动态测试教育部重点实验室,太原,030051 
熊继军 中北大学仪器科学与动态测试教育部重点实验室,太原,030051 
李晓东 中国科学院声学研究所,北京,100190 
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