应崇福.关于液体内大规模声处理中空化研究的几点思考——再论声空化工程[J].,2008,27(5):333-337 |
关于液体内大规模声处理中空化研究的几点思考——再论声空化工程 |
Some thoughts on the behaviors of cavitation used in large-scale ultrasonic treatment in liquids——A second discussion of cavitation engineering |
中文摘要: |
再次强调了大规模液体中超声处理、以及为此目的研究声空化的重要性。提出了对这项应用中声空化行为的几点思考,重点是关于声空化的"强度"以及关于电动力式和流体动力式两类产生空化系统所产生空化的不同特性。 |
英文摘要: |
Re-emphasizes the importance of large-scale ultrasonic treatment in liquids and the significance of the study of cavitation for the purpose.Presents some thoughts on some behaviors of cavitation related to such application,mainly on the concept of the cavitation"strength",and on the differences in characteristics of cavitation bubbles from the two principal cavitation production systems--the electric-dynamic and the hydrodynamic. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2008.05.001 |
中文关键词: 大规模液体中超声处理 声空化工程 对空化行为的思考 |
英文关键词: Large-scale ultrasonic treatment in liquids Cavitation engineering Thoughts on cavitation behaviors |
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