谢骏,胡均川.舰船噪声听觉节奏特征[J].,2008,27(6):444-448 |
舰船噪声听觉节奏特征 |
Audition rhythm feature of vessel’s noise |
中文摘要: |
舰船噪声调制包络能反映舰船噪声听觉节奏特征,但在对其进行谱分析和特征提取过程中会损失部分信息。直接将舰船噪声包络可视化,并采用简单的人机交互提取特征量,对噪声分析和识别是有利的。包络分析采用多子带融合方法,将"最优"调制包络看作一种随机过程,并将舰船噪声的多子带检波信号看作是对"最优"调制包络的一次观测,对其作循环相关,用有限次观测的集种平均作为"最优"包络的估计,从而得到多子带融合包络,舰船噪声实测数据验证了该方法的有效性。 |
英文摘要: |
Modulation envelop of vessel’s noise is a basis of audition rhythm.Some im- portant information losses occur when spectral analysis and feature extraction are carried out.It is helpful for noise analysis and recognition to visualize the envelop and extract fea- ture by simple man-machine conversation.A multi-bandpass fusion approach to analyse the envelop is presented.Optimization modulation envelop is treated as a random process and multi-bandpass modulation envelop of vessel’s noise is treated as observation of optimiza- tion modulation envelop.Cyclic self-correlation functions of finite observations are calculat- ed and averaged.The average is the modulation envelop spectrum of multi-bandpass fusion and is treated as estimate of optimization modulation envelop.The experimental results based on real data from vessel’s noise show that the method and the algorithm proposed are effective. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2008.06.007 |
中文关键词: 调制包络谱 听觉节奏 特征提取 舰船噪声 多子带融合 水下目标识别 |
英文关键词: Modulation envelop spectrum Audition rhythm Feature extraction Vessel’s noise Multi-bandpass fusion Underwater target recognition |
基金项目:国防预研基金(No.51303060403) |
摘要点击次数: 2658 |
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