Study on the dominating signal types sensed by the transducers of monopole acoustic logging-while-drilling
投稿时间:2020-05-31  修订日期:2020-10-30
      Under the assumption that the drill collar is smooth, the predecessors theoretically simulated the sound pressure waveform of logging while drilling (LWD), but did not publish an article about the comparison between the theoretical waveform and the experimental waveform. To understand the mechanical type corresponding to the measured signal and the distribution of the corresponding type of collar wave in the drill collar, this paper compares the theoretically simulated acoustic LWD waveform with the experimental waveform. Unlike predecessors who consider piezoelectric effect or borehole propagation effect alone, when simulating the response of monopole acoustic LWD, the transmitter, receiver, smooth drill collar and borehole structure are taken as a whole and the finite element method was used to calculate and simulate the sound pressure signal and displacement signal recorded by the receiver under the excitation of the voltage source. Comparing the simulated sound pressure waveform with the voltage signal, we find that the relative amplitudes of the collar wave and Stoneley wave are quite different, while the simulated radial displacement waveform is closer to the voltage signal. Further comparison between the theoretical waveform and the voltage signal measured in the experiment of the small model well confirms that the voltage signal is closer to the displacement signal but is significantly different from the sound pressure signal. This shows that when the drill collar is smooth, the monopole acoustic LWD transducer mainly senses the radial displacement signal. The research also shows that the energy of the collar wave in the sound pressure signal is mainly concentrated on the inner wall of the drill collar, while the energy of the drill collar wave in the radial displacement signal is mainly concentrated on the outer wall of the drill collar.
中文关键词: 随钻声波测井,换能器,声压,径向位移,压电效应
英文关键词: Acoustic  LWD, Transducer, Pressure, Radial  displacement, Piezoelectric
张超 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院 哈尔滨 zc_0526@163.com 
陈辉 江南机电设计研究所 chenhui5283@163.com 
胡恒山* 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院 哈尔滨 hhs@hit.edu.cn 
王军 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院 wangjun2012@hit.edu.cn 
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