Time-reversal multi-user underwater acoustics communication in shallow water
      In radio-communications,Multi-user communications can be realized by using Time Division Multiple Access(TDMA),Frequency Division Multiple Access(FDMA) or Code Division Multiple Access(CDMA).In the underwater acoustic channel,the complex spatial structure of the acoustic field resulted from multipath propagation necessitates alternative method to be used for multi-user communications in shallow-water.Time reversal(or phase conjugation) approach has good compressibility in both temporal and spatial domains;besides,its focal property can be taken advantage of to retrofocus on the source location no matter how complicated the environment is.So it provides parallel independent communication channels for the different users and reduces the co-channel interference.In this paper,based on the vertical receiver array,the time reversal technique is used to realize the different users’ communication in the same underwater channel.Additionally,an adaptive decision-feedback equalizer with Phase-Lock Loop is used to reduce the inter-symbol interference(ISI).A sea experiment was conducted to verify the related ~eory and the results show that the multi-user simultaneous communication can be realized.
中文关键词: 时间反转  多用户水声通信  判决反馈自适应均衡  锁相环
英文关键词: Time reversal  Multi-user underwater acoustics communication  Adaptive decisionfeedback equalization  Phase-lock loop
张涵 中国科学院声学研究所 
孙炳文 中国科学院声学研究所 
郭圣明 中国科学院声学研究所 
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