张佳民,杨宁.基于广义合成阻抗超声传感器电端匹配的研究[J].,2009,28(3):238-240 |
基于广义合成阻抗超声传感器电端匹配的研究 |
Electric matching of ultrasonic sensor based on general impedance converter |
中文摘要: |
超声波测距具有非接触、高准确度、价格低和使用方便等优点,被广泛应用于工业生产、医学检查、日常生活,如无人驾驶汽车、机器人、液位计等。在这些应用中,超声波传感器是应用中的最关键部件之一。因此,本文在分析了超声波传感器在谐振频率点等效电路的基础上,分别采用无源电感和有源电感对超声换能器的发射探头和接收探头进行电端匹配,提高了收发探头的效率。实验表明,匹配方法是有效的。 |
英文摘要: |
The technology of measuring distance by ultrasonic signal with advantages of non-contact,high accuracy,low cost,user-friendliress has been used widely in industries production,medical inspection,and daily life,such as AGV,robot,liquid level meter,and so on. In these applications,ultrasonic sensor is one of the major critical components.Based on analyzing the equivalent circuit of ultrasonic sensor at resonance frequency,the efficiency of ultrasonic transducers can be improved by the matching circuit using passive inductance or active inductance.Experimental results show that this proposed matching method is effective. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2009.03.015 |
中文关键词: 超声波传感器 电端匹配 广义合成阻抗 测距 |
英文关键词: Ultrasonic sensor Electric matching General impedance converter Distance measurement |
基金项目:上海市重点学科建设资助项目(J51301) |
摘要点击次数: 2504 |
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