代洪霞,刘启能.声子晶体材料的吸收对弹性波缺陷模的影响[J].,2009,28(6):459-464 |
声子晶体材料的吸收对弹性波缺陷模的影响 |
Effect of absorption of impurity-doped 1D phontonic crystal on its elastic wave defect mode |
中文摘要: |
为了研究声子晶体材料的吸收对缺陷模的影响,引入复波数,推导出一维掺杂声子晶体的转移矩阵,计算了衰减系数和周期数对透射波和反射波中缺陷模的影响。得出:当周期数一定时,衰减系数对一维掺杂声子晶体的透射波和反射波中的缺陷模都有显著的影响,缺陷模的峰值随衰减系数的增加而迅速减小,缺陷模的宽度随衰减系数的增加而增大。当衰减系数一定时,缺陷模的峰值和宽度都随周期数的增加而迅速减小。 |
英文摘要: |
For studying the influence absorption of a 1D photonic crystal on its defect mode,a complex wave number is adopted,the transfer matrix of the impurity-doped 1D photonic crystal is inferred,and the influence of attenuation coefficient and the period number on the defect mode is calculated.When the period number is specified,the attenuation coefficient has obvious influence on the defect mode in the transmission wave and the reflection wave;the peak value of the defect mode decrease quickly while the FWHM of the defect mode increases with increase of attenuation coefficient increment.When the attenuation coefficient is specified,loth the peak value and the FWHM of the defect mode lower quickly with increase of the period number. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2009.06.010 |
中文关键词: 声子晶体 转移矩阵 缺陷模 衰减系数 |
英文关键词: Photonic crystal Transfer matrix Defect mode Attenuation coeflicient |
基金项目:重庆市教委科技项目基金资助(KJ080720);废油资源化与装备教育部工程研究中心重大项目基金(07011302)资助 |
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