郭志勇,向阳,陈彪.波叠加法在结构辐射声功率计算中的应用[J].,2010,29(1):48-52 |
波叠加法在结构辐射声功率计算中的应用 |
Computation of structure radiated sound power by the method of wave superposition |
中文摘要: |
描述了用波叠加法来计算任意形状辐射体的辐射声功率的方法。该方法在给定辐射体表面的振动速度后就可求解辐射源的强度,进而求解辐射体表面声功率。文中以脉动球源的辐射问题为列,讨论了波叠加法在应用过程中对单元、节点数目以及单元形状的敏感性。通过将该方法计算结果与解析结果进行对比表明,运用此方法在保证较高精度的前提下能明显减少计算所需的单元节点数,从而节省时间提高计算效率。 |
英文摘要: |
A method for computing the sound power radiate by arbitrarily shaped radiator is described that uses the principle of wave superposition.Prescribed velocity on the surface of the radiator can be used to calculate the strength of the radiating source,which in turn,can be used to compute the corresponding surface radiating sound power.The article gives an example of pulsing spherical source and discusses sensitivities of the unit,node number and cell configuration in the wave superposition method application process.Through comparing the result of computation with the analytic result,it is shown that the mention method can reduce the unit and node number while ensure high precision,thus being computationally efficient. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2010.01.010 |
中文关键词: 波叠加 声辐射 辐射声功率 |
英文关键词: Wave superposition Sound radiation Sound power |
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