张波,马忠成,刘文章.海豚声散射特性的理论建模及实验研究[J].,2010,29(2):122-128 |
海豚声散射特性的理论建模及实验研究 |
Theoretical and experimental studies of the scattering characteristic of dolphin |
中文摘要: |
国内对蛙人和大型海洋哺乳动物声散射特性的研究很少,无法满足现代的防御需要。论文分析了海豚的回波机理,建立了海豚反向散射目标强度的球壳散射模型。采用比较法测得海豚对75kHz的声波反向散射目标强度为-25.8dB。根据实验结果,球壳散射模型对75kHz声波是适用的。 |
英文摘要: |
There is little domestic study on the scattering characteristics of divers and large-scale oceanic mammals,while much information is needed for defence.The scattering mechanism of a dolphin is analyzed,and a Spherical-Shell Scattering Model is proposed to caculate the backscattering TS(Target Strength) of a dolphin.Measurement of the backscattering TS of a dolphin at 75 kHz was taken,which gave-25.8dB.Judged by the result of the experiment,the Spherical-Shell Scattering Model is suitable at 75kHz. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2010.02.007 |
中文关键词: 海豚 散射 目标强度 肺 |
英文关键词: Dolphin Backscattering Target strength Lung |
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