Application of transmitting artificial boundary in the numerical calculation of seabed seismic wave caused by a point sound source
      The elastic wave in seabed caused by the low frequency noise of a sailing vessel is often called ship seismic wave that can be used to identify ship target.A numerical calculation of seismic wave in seabed caused by a low frequency point sound source is carried out in this paper by applying the liquid-solid coupled calculating module of ANSYS in combination with the multi-transmitting formula artificial boundary.The results of numerical calculating method are compared with those of the wave-number integration technique in order to evaluate the accuracy of the numerical calculating method.The transmission losses of sound pressure vs.range are well agreed in the two methods when the frequency is relatively lower. Small differences are presented while the frequency is relatively higher.The characteristic curves of acoustic pressure vs.frequency are consistent on the whole in the two methods. Further more,the characteristic curves of displacement and acceleration on the surface of seabed in the frequency domain both in the vertical and the horizontal directions are basically accordant in the two methods.Use of numerical calculating method for simulation of seismic wave in seabed caused by low frequency point sound source is thus reasonable on the basis of the above comparison.
中文关键词: 舰船地震波  多次透射公式  点声源  ANSYS  流固耦合
英文关键词: Ship seismic wave  Multi-transmitting formula  Point sound source  ANSYS  Liquid-solid coupled
卢再华 海军工程大学 
张志宏 海军工程大学 
顾建农 海军工程大学 
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