赵剑强,陈莹,胡博,杨文娟.公路交通噪声等效车道距离的确定方法探讨[J].,2010,29(5):382-386 |
公路交通噪声等效车道距离的确定方法探讨 |
Optimum determination of equivalent lane distance in highway traffic noise prediction |
中文摘要: |
在公路交通噪声计算中,目前常用的确定等效车道距离的方法是计算接受点至近车道和远车道的距离的几何平均值,但使用该方法得到的接受点处的交通噪声与使用两个车道分别计算后再叠加的方法所得到结果相比,存在一定偏差。本文提出用调和平均值确定等效车道距离,即用接受点至近车道和远车道的距离的几何平均值的平方除以算术平均值来确定等效车道距离。通过比较,证明调和平均法比几何平均法具有更高的精确性。 |
英文摘要: |
The current criterion of the equivalent lane distance in the prediction of highway traffic noise is the geometric mean between two distances from the receiving point to the nearer lane and the farther lane.However,the traffic noise level at the receiving point calculated with such equivalent lane is slightly different from that obtained by the accurate calculation of superimposing the noise levels from the two lanes.Therefore,a method of determining equivalent lane distance is here proposed as using the harmonic mean,which is the ratio of the square of geometric mean between the two distances from the receiving point to the nearer lane and the farther lane to the arithmetic mean between these two distances.Compared with the geometric mean method,the harmonic mean method has a higher accuracy. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2010.05.011 |
中文关键词: 公路交通噪声 等效车道距离 几何平均值 调和平均值 |
英文关键词: Highway traffic noise Equivalent lane distance Geometric mean Harmonic mean |
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