闫国军,林杰,徐春.墙体设置接线盒隔声性能影响的实验室研究[J].,2010,29(6):425-427,429,428 |
墙体设置接线盒隔声性能影响的实验室研究 |
Laboratory studies of wall sound insulation for junction boxes |
中文摘要: |
在轻质墙体(轻钢龙骨类板墙)及重质墙体(240 mm砖墙)上设置不同数量的接线盒前后,对墙体的空气声隔声性能的影响进行了实验室试验。并对试验结论进行了分析,得出了不同类型墙体设置接线盒后,对墙体空气声隔声性能的影响因素及处理方法。 |
英文摘要: |
Before and after a light wall(light steel keel type wall) and a heavy wall(240 mm brick wall) mounted with different numbers of junction boxes,laboratory tests on airborne sound insulation performance of the walls are carried out.The test results are analyzed,and the influence factors and methods of treatment are established. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2010.06.005 |
中文关键词: 接线盒 空气声隔声 隔声量 计权隔声量 |
英文关键词: Junction box Airborne sound insulation Sound reduction index Weighted sound reduction index |
基金项目:十一五课题《居住区与室内环境噪声控制与改善关键技术研究》(2006BAJ02A04) |
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