代洪霞,刘启能.弹性波在固-固结构矩形声子晶体中的传输特性[J].,2011,30(1):58-64 |
弹性波在固-固结构矩形声子晶体中的传输特性 |
Transmission characteristics of elastic waves in a solid-solid rectangle phononic crystal |
中文摘要: |
利用一维固-固结构矩形声子晶体中弹性波横向受限的条件,推导出弹性波在其中各个模式满足的关系式,利用它研究了弹性波各模式的特性。并用转移矩阵研究了弹性波的传输特性随模式量子数和边长的变化规律。得出了一些不同于一维固-固结构非受限声子晶体的新特征,即一维矩形声子晶体的禁带由模式量子数确定,禁带的频率中心和频率宽度与模式量子数和边长有关。 |
英文摘要: |
Transmission characteristics of elastic wave in solid-solid rectangle phononic crystal are obtained with restrictions condition of elastic wave and the characteristics of mode are studied.Transmission characteristics of elastic wave are calculated by the transfer matrix method.The new characteristics of elastic wave in solid-solid rectangle phononic crystal are obtained.The bandgap of 1D rectangle phononic crystal is determined by quantum number of mode.The center and width of the bandgap are determined by the quantum number of mode and the side length of rectangle. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2011.01.009 |
中文关键词: 矩形声子晶体 弹性波 受限 模式 |
英文关键词: Rectangle phononic crystal Elastic wave Restrictions Mode |
基金项目:重庆市教委科技项目基金(批准号:KJ100717) |
摘要点击次数: 2697 |
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