毛崎波.结构振动模态之间耦合对预测结构声功率的影响[J].,2011,30(2):90-97 |
结构振动模态之间耦合对预测结构声功率的影响 |
Effect of the couplings between the structural vibration modes on sound power predictions |
中文摘要: |
以简支矩形板为例,分析结构振动模态之间的耦合对声功率的影响。通过对声功率传递矩阵计算方法的改进,得到计算声功率传递矩阵对角元素和非对角元素(模态耦合项)的解析解,并进行数值计算和分析。所得解析解结果同前人发表的数值解非常吻合。 |
英文摘要: |
With an example of simply supported rectangular panel,the cross-modal coupling terms between the structural vibration modes effect on the radiated sound power is presented. A new technique to calculate the sound power transfer matrix is developed,and an analytical solution to diagonal and off-diagonal elements(the coupling terms) of this matrix is obtained. Then numerical calculation and detail analysis are given.Comparing the results using proposed method to those given in the literature using numerical method,excellent agreement is achieved. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2011.02.002 |
中文关键词: 辐射效率 结构振动模态 声功率 |
英文关键词: Radiation efficiency Structural vibration mode Sound power |
基金项目:南昌航空大学启动基金(EA20106211);江西省自然科学基金项目(2008GZW0020) |
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