An underwater signal recovery technique based on blind deconvolution
      When environment is complicated,original signals may be distorted and spread in time after propagation from source to receive array.Reconstructing an unknown signal from remote measurements made in an unknown and potentially complicated wave-propagation environment is needed in many applications.A signal recovery method for blind deconvolution is formally described based on a blind deconvolution technique in this paper.For a vertical array in an ocean sound channel,Green’s function can be substituted with an artificial one,and a nonlinear operation can be changed to a linear operation,as a result of which,formulation of recovery or reconstruction of undistorted broadband signals from recordings made in unknown complex multipath environments can be deduced.The results of acoustic field numerical calculation for 6 types of sediment show that the correlation of a reconstructed broadband signal with the original signal is greater than 0.945 for each type,and the recovery performance is high especially for hard sediment.A Qingdao ocean experiment is carried out to investigate the performance of the signal recovery method for blind deconvolution of a broadband point-source signal from the propagation characteristics of an unknown oceanic waveguide. The results show that the method is successful and promising;the correlation between the reconstructed signal and the original signal is more than 0.933,which demonstrates that the recovered signal is undistorted.
中文关键词: 盲解卷积  信号恢复  海上实验
英文关键词: Blind deconvolution  Signal recovery  Ocean experiment
朱墨 中国科学院声学研究所 
吴国清 中国科学院声学研究所 
郭新毅 中国科学院声学研究所 
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