Geoacoustic inversion using local filter
      Geoacoustic inversion is an interesting topic in underwater acoustics community in recent years.Traditional geoacoustic inversion methods mainly include global-search method and neutral network inversion method.However,the former cannot meet the real-time requirement in practical applications.And the disadvantage of the latter is that the accuracy of the inversion result might not be adequate in some cases.To solve these problems,a geoacoustic inversion method based on the local filter is proposed in this paper to estimate geoacoustic parameters from the measurement of the acoustic field.A new observed data vector including both amplitude and phase information is defined,and then a local weighted least square filter is used to approximate the inverse function which links the geoacoustic parameters with the measured field based on the simulated training pairs generated with an acoustic propagation model.The main advantage of the proposed method is that,it is capable of inverting a few thousand data sets collected at different sites or at different time with a reasonable accuracy,and requires less computation time and could be performed in real time. Finally,the robustness and effectiveness of our proposed method has been illustrated through the numerical simulation and the Mediterranean experimental data.
中文关键词: 地声反演  局域加权最小二乘滤波  神经网络  匹配场
英文关键词: Geoacoustic inversion  Neighborhood weighted linear algorithm  Neutral network  Matching field inversion
高伟 中国船舶重工集团公司第七一○研究所 
张颖璐 中国船舶重工集团公司第七一○研究所 
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