许兆鹏,韩树平.一种多基阵机动目标被动跟踪算法[J].,2011,30(4):282-287 |
一种多基阵机动目标被动跟踪算法 |
An algorithm for passive tracking of maneuvering target based on multiple arrays |
中文摘要: |
由多部声纳基阵获取的方位信息对水中机动目标的跟踪实质上是一个非线性状态估计问题,文中首先依据各基阵的方位信息,采用最小二乘法得到目标位置在各采样时刻的初步估计,然后将其作为测量值用于交互多模型算法(IMM)并结合线性卡尔曼滤波(KF)得到目标运动速度和轨迹,避免了应用非线性估计算法直接进行多个方位数据融合过程中存在的各种问题。仿真结果表明这一算法简便,与双基阵纯方位机动目标被动跟踪相比具有较快的收敛速度和较高的跟踪精度。 |
英文摘要: |
Passive tracking of maneuvering target in water based on bearings of multiple sonar arrays is a nonlinear state estimation issue.In this paper,the preliminary estimation of target position is acquired by the least square method based on bearing data acquired by arrays firstly,then the estimated position data are applied as measured values to Interactive Multiple Models(IMM)algorithm with Kalman Filter(KF),finally the velocity as well as track of target can be obtained,avoiding the problems brought by applying nonlinear estimation algorithms for data fusion directly.The result of simulation shows that the proposed algorithm is simple, and the speed of convergence is faster,and the precision of tracking is superior in comparing to passive tracking of maneuvering target based on bearings of two sonar arrays. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2011.04.007 |
中文关键词: 多基阵 机动目标被动跟踪 最小二乘法 交互多模型算法 |
英文关键词: Multiple arrays Tracking of maneuvering target Least square method IMM |
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