Research on the retrofocusing performance of horizontal time-reversing arrays in shallow water
      Vertical linear array can span the whole wave-guide and can sample most normal modes accurately in the shallow water wave-guide.Horizontal linear array has more applied significance than vertical linear array because it is more convenient to be installed on the naval ships or fixed on the bottom of sea.From this paper,obvious focus effects can be seen in the place of sound source through the simulation with the given sound source and environment of the sea.Compared to vertical linear array,the length of the horizontal linear array needed is given to gain effective retrofocusing.Then the paper analyses how retrofocusing effect changes with the sensor aperture,the ratio of distance between sensors and the width of source wave frequency band.Finally it concludes that the horizontal linear array with huge aperture can obtain good time-reversal retrofocusing effect,and also the narrowband signal can be used to improve the performance of the retrofocusing.At last,two singals have been chosen from the data of experiment on the sea in 2002,and the error of the level range location is 1.9%and.2.2%.
中文关键词: 水平阵  简正波  时间反转
英文关键词: Horizontal linear array  Normal mode  Time-reversal
陈羽 国防科学与技术大学光电工程学院 
倪明 国防科学与技术大学光电工程学院 
张振慧 国防科学与技术大学光电工程学院 
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