A study on the processing method for acoustic slowness logging in complex formations
      During acoustic logging in complex formations,the logging waveforms are often distorted by formation velocity changes and by the interference of acoustic reflections from formation bed boundaries.The waveform distortion causes different receivers in the receiver array to have significantly different amplitudes,and the resulting slowness estimation from the array data suffers from large errors due to poor signal coherence.This wave phenomenon,can be seen from a finite difference simulation of acoustic logging for the thin-bed sand-shale sequence model.To improve the slowness estimation accuracy for this situation,we use a Frequency-Wavenumber Coherence Filtering method to suppress the bed-boundary reflection interference in acoustic data and enhance the coherence of formation compressional(P) waves in array.We have applied the technique to both synthetic modeling and field logging data.The results show that this method effectively suppresses the interference of bed-boundary reflections and significantly improves the coherence of formation P-waves,allowing for increasing the resolution of the P-wave slowness log curve and detecting the thin-bed characteristics of sand-shale sequences in formation.
中文关键词: 相关滤波  时差分辨率  薄互层  数字声波
英文关键词: Coherence filtering  Slowness resolution  Thin sand-shale sequence  Digital acoustic
苏远大 中国石油大学(华东)地球科学与技术学院测井系 
庄春喜 中国石油大学(华东)地球科学与技术学院测井系 
唐晓明 中国石油大学(华东)地球科学与技术学院测井系 
王易安 中国石油测井集团有限公司 
贾向东 中国石油测井集团有限公司 
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