张永锋,杨影,肖莹莹.基于主成分分析的汉语连续语音切分算法[J].,2011,30(5):366-369 |
基于主成分分析的汉语连续语音切分算法 |
A Chinese continuous speech segmentation algorithm based on principle component analyses |
中文摘要: |
连续语音切分是汉语连续语音识别中的一项重要技术。本文将通常用于图像处理的主成分分析(PCA)方法引入汉语连续语音切分领域,目的是通过PCA,降低语音帧之间的频谱相关性。再利用相邻语音帧特征构成的三维子空间的大小,实现连续语音切分,取得了不错的切分效果。 |
英文摘要: |
Continuous speech segmentation is an important technology of Chinese continuous speech recognition.In this paper,the principal component analysis(PCA),which is commonly used for image processing,is introduced to the field of Chinese continuous speech segmentation to reduce the correlation among speech frames.Next,according to the size of three-dimensional sub-space which comes from adjacent speech frames,good speech segmentations are achieved. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2011.05.009 |
中文关键词: 主成分分析 连续语音切分 |
英文关键词: PCA Continuous speech segmentation |
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