陈志菲,侯宏,孙进才,陈涛.起降客机噪声源识别的平面阵设计[J].,2011,30(6):427-434 |
起降客机噪声源识别的平面阵设计 |
Planar array design for noise source identifications of flyover aircraft |
中文摘要: |
针对起降客机的噪声源识别,给出了平面多臂对数螺旋阵的设计过程。多臂对数螺旋阵可以在较宽的分析频带内保持较小的主瓣宽度,同时平均旁瓣水平较低,从而具有良好的宽带噪声源识别性能,但其阵型设计中需要考虑的参数较多。本文以ARJ21客机起降过程中的主起落架噪声源识别为例,研究了多臂对数螺旋阵各参数对其噪声源识别性能的影响。所给出的阵列设计流程可以为飞行客机的噪声源识别,尤其是多子阵嵌套的平面阵设计提供参考。 |
英文摘要: |
The design of multi-arm logarithmic spiral array (MLSA) for noise source
identifications (NSI) of an approaching or taking off aircraft is presented. The MLSA has a
small beam width and low side lobe level in a wide frequency band which shows us a good
NSI performance. The array geometry of the MLSA is determined by six parameters. We
explored their influences on the NSI performance with a MLSA design for the NSI of the main
landing gear of ARJ21 in a flyover test. The design process gives a hand to the NSI of the
airframe noise, especially for the planar array design with multiple subarrays in aeroacoustic
field |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2011.06.004 |
中文关键词: 噪声源识别 主瓣宽度 动态范围 多臂对数螺旋阵 |
英文关键词: |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.60672136) |
摘要点击次数: 2850 |
全文下载次数: 784 |
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