刘家轩,章新华,范文涛,李茂林.距离深度域最小二乘矩阵滤波器的设计与应用[J].,2011,30(6):455-463 |
距离深度域最小二乘矩阵滤波器的设计与应用 |
Design and applications of the least square matrix filter for range-depth domain |
中文摘要: |
本文通过最小二乘原理设计出针对拷贝向量进行处理的矩阵滤波器,给出了其详细的推导过程。它可用于距离深度域上的预滤波,在抑制阻带干扰的同时,保证通带信号尽可能不失真。设计过程中发现根据最小二乘原理设计矩阵滤波器比二阶锥规划等其他寻优方法更快捷。最小二乘矩阵滤波器除了能在保证通带尽量不失真的前提下达到很好的阻带抑制效果之外,还可以在任意距离深度设定通、阻带,尤其适用于阵列在探测过程中抑制强干扰对于弱目标源的影响。 |
英文摘要: |
This paper introduces the matrix filter designed by the least square principle
which can be used in range-depth domain, and details of the design will be showed. This
matrix filter can be used for attenuating the interference in the stopband, while passing the
signal in the passband as distortionless as possible via filtering the replica vectors. The matrix
filter designed by the least square principle is more expedient than the one designed by the
second-order cone programming. After simulation, we find the stopband and passband of least
square matrix filter can be set arbitrarily at any depth and distance from the hydrophone array,
while getting nice stopband attenuation and low passband error, which makes it fit to weak
target detection of the array under the influence of strong interference |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2011.06.010 |
中文关键词: 矩阵滤波器 最小二乘 拷贝向量 匹配场处理 |
英文关键词: |
基金项目:海军大连舰艇学院科研发展基金资助项目 |
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