The sensitivity enhancement method of SAW Gas Sensor with Direct-Condensation Mode based on electrode thickness optimization
投稿时间:2020-06-24  修订日期:2022-05-07
      本文通过对声表面波(Surface Acoustic Wave,SAW)谐振器指条厚度的优化提升了冷凝式气体传感器的灵敏度。基于流固耦合理论,利用有限元商业软件建立了有液膜负载和无液膜负载下的多物理场三维周期模型,并提取了相应的耦合模(Coupling-of-Modes, COM)参量,利用COM模型及P矩阵级联技术,计算了不同指条厚度下液膜负载引起的传感器响应,获得了冷凝式SAW气体传感器灵敏度随指条厚度的变化关系。实验中制备了7种不同电极厚度的SAW谐振器,并利用DMMP实验样品完成了传感器的响应测试,验证了理论分析的正确性。结果表明,冷凝式SAW气体传感器的灵敏度随指条厚度的增加先变大后减小,最优归一化电极厚度为7.5%。该研究成果对进一步提升传感器灵敏度具有重要意义。
      This paper improves the sensitivity of condensing gas sensor by optimizing the electrode thickness of Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) resonator. Based on the fluid-solid coupling theory, the multi-physics three-dimensional periodic model with and without liquid film load was established in the finite element commercial software, and extract the corresponding coupling mode (Coupling-of-Modes, COM) parameters. Using the COM model and P-matrix cascade technology, the sensor response of liquid film load at different electrode thickness was calculated, and the variation curve of condensing SAW Sensor’s sensitivity with the electrode thickness was obtained. Experimentally, SAW detectors with seven different electrode thicknesses were fabricated. DMMP samples were used to test the performance of the sensor, which verified the correctness of the theoretical analysis. The results show that the sensitivity of the condensing SAW gas sensor first increases and then decreases with the increase of electrode thickness, and the optimal normalized electrode thickness is 7.5%. The research results are of great significance to further improve the sensitivity of the sensor.
中文关键词: 冷凝式SAW气体传感器  流固耦合理论  指条厚度优化  灵敏度
英文关键词: SAW Gas Sensor with Direct-Condensation Mode  the fluid-solid coupling theory  electrode thickness optimization  sensitivity
邹亮桃 中科院声学研究所 1193790656@qq.com 
刘久玲* 中科院声学研究所 liujiuling@mail.ioa.ac.cn 
游然 中科院声学研究所 youran@mail.ioa.ac.cn 
刘明华 中科院声学所 liuminghua@mail.ioa.ac.cn 
任伟 中科院声学所 renwei@mail.ioa.ac.cn 
何世堂 中科院声学所 heshitang@mail.ioa.ac.cn 
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