谢菠荪,管善群.空间声的研究与应用——历史、发展与现状[J].,2012,31(1):18-27 |
空间声的研究与应用——历史、发展与现状 |
Research and application of spatial sound——history, development and state of the art |
中文摘要: |
空间声的目的是通过电声的手段重放声音空间信息,给聆听者再现特定的空间听觉感知。它在文化生活、通信、多媒体和虚拟现实等方面以及航空、航天等领域都有重要的应用。国内对空间声的研究起步于1958年,五十多年来进行了大量的基础研究工作,是和国际上的发展前沿相接轨的。本文在回顾空间声的基本原理与分类、国际上空间声发展历史的基础上,侧重评述了国内空间声研究和应用的历史、发展与现状,并展望了今后的发展前景。 |
英文摘要: |
The goal of spatial sound is to reproduce spatial information of sound by electroacoustic means,so as to recreate desired spatial auditory perception.Spatial sound has been widely applied to the fields of culture,communication,multimedia and virtual reality as well as aviation as spaceflight.Beginning in 1958,extensive researches matching with the international development have been carried out in China over the past 50 years.After outlining the basic principle and classification as well as the international development history of spatial sound,this paper primary reviews the history,development and state of art of spatial sound in China.Some future developments are also prospected. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2012.01.007 |
中文关键词: 空间声 立体声 环绕声 |
英文关键词: Spatial sound Stereophonic sound Surround sound |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(11174087) |
摘要点击次数: 2575 |
全文下载次数: 894 |
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