陈拓,蔡惠智.采用典型相关分析实现主动声纳直达波干扰抑制[J].,2012,31(2):130-134 |
采用典型相关分析实现主动声纳直达波干扰抑制 |
Direct path interference suppression for active sonar using canonical correlation analysis |
中文摘要: |
海上多舰船编队作战条件下,来自于友舰的直达波干扰强度往往远大于期望目标回波的强度,使得主动声纳的目标探测性能大大降低。设计互相关性较小的发射信号虽然能够降低干信比,但是所获得的增益有限,而且限制了发射信号的选择空间。本文研究了一种基于信号结构特性的典型相关分析算法,大大降低了能量对于检测结果的影响。基于仿真结果进行了算法的可行性分析,结果表明它具有优秀的抗同频干扰能力。 |
英文摘要: |
The direct path interference is normally much larger than echoes from targets when multiple warships work together in naval warfare,which costs largely reduced active sonar detection ability.The application of the transmitted signals with a low cross correlation can reduce the interference-signal-ratio;however,this method only slightly improves the detection ability,but it limits the choices of signal characteristics.In this paper,a novel method that is the canonical correlation analysis is proposed to extract structural features of received signals,and to decrease the influence of the power to the detection ability.From the numerical simulation results,the proposed method is verified to be efficient to suppress the direct path interference. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2012.02.011 |
中文关键词: 直达波干扰 典型相关分析 |
英文关键词: Direct path interference Canonical correlation analysis |
基金项目:“十一五”预研基金(4010501050104) |
摘要点击次数: 2553 |
全文下载次数: 1032 |
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